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36th Annual Ames Town & Gown Musicale

  • St. John's by the Campus 2338 Lincoln Way Ames, IA, 50014 United States (map)

Since the first Town & Gown Musicale in 1990, this highly anticipated annual event has celebrated the vibrant music scene and abundant musical talent of Ames. Our unique fundraiser offers a sparkling musical collage of central Iowa’s most talented performers from the community at large and Iowa State University.

Enjoy musical offerings ranging from traditional chamber music to lighter fare. The event supports Town & Gown and chamber music directly while enhancing our sense of musical community. “My favorite night of the year!” exclaims one audience member.

A sumptuous buffet of gourmet delicacies and warm camaraderie follow the concert. Please note: event begins at 7:00 PM.

  • ACTORS’ “Tomfoolery” Ensemble (Jane Funk, Bill Helms, Laurie Hoifeldt, Steven Hoifeldt, Samantha Koontz, Cynthia Marten, Ben Moews, Brian Parrish ) ~ Andrew Adams ~ Janet Alcorn ~ The Amara Piano Quartet (Boro Martinic-Jercic, Jonathan Sturm, George Work, Mei-Hsuan Huang) The Ames Piano Quartet (Mahlon Darlington, Laurence Burkhalter/Jonathan Sturm, George Work, William David) ~ Ames Children’s Choirs* ~ The Ames Junior Trio*(Samantha Bennett, Sarit Luban, James Kwon) ~ Kevin Amidon ~ Amy Anderson ~ Basically Baroque ~ Samantha Bennett* Tyler Born** ~ James Bovinette ~ The Brandenburg Players ~ Laurence Burkhalter ~ Ethalinda Cannon ~ Rong-Kwei Chen ~ Peter Chimenti* ~ Michael Ching ~ Andrew Choi* ~ Amy Christensen ~ John Clem ~ Matthew Coley ~ Cathy Compton** ~ Mason Conklin ~ Karen Corbin** Count Me In** ~ Mary Creswell ~ Mahlon Darlington ~ William David ~ Michael Davis ~ Jesse Donner** ~ Kenny Drefke** ~ Paul Ferrone ~ Marika Fischer Hoyt ~ Zachary Fisher** ~ Susan Flaskerud ~ Paula Forrest ~ Mary Foss ~ Gordon Gerrard ~ David Giese ~ Michael Giles ~ Sonja Giles ~ Jodi Goble ~ Stacey Goodman** ~ Reggie Greenlaw ~ Benjamin Gruman** ~ Joshua Grunmann ~ Michiyo Hattori ~ Sue Haug ~ Jonathan Haupt ~ Laura Haupt ~ Donna Heer ~ Alan Henson ~ Julie Fox Henson ~ The Henson Family String Quartet (Julie Fox Henson, Beau Henson, Fox Henson, Alan Henson)* ~ Paul Hertz ~ Aaron Hofmeyer** ~ Christopher Hopkins ~ Maureen Hurd** ~ Ayron Hyatt** ~ ISU Chamber Singers ~ Thomas Julstrom** ~ Larisa Kanevski Stephanie Kasper** ~ Chris Kyurim Kim* ~ Hangyul Kim* ~ Joanna Kim* ~ The Klier String Quartet* (Joanna Held, Jana Kim, Beau Henson, Grace Kim) ~ Leah Kolner ~ Ann Kostelnik** ~ Kelly Kruse** ~ Barry Larkin ~ Bri Leahy** ~ So-Yeoun Lee** ~ Nai-Ying Liao ~ Ruth Lin ~ Wilber Lio** ~ Michael Londra ~ Kevin Marashinghe* ~ Helen Marlais ~ Alexandra Mascolo-David Robert Maxham ~ Keith McCaulley ~ Sarah McClanahan* ~ Samantha McCurry** ~ Eric McIntyre ~ Joseph Messenger ~ Ari Micich ~ Patricia Moline ~ Claire Morris* ~ Andrea Mowen** ~ Craig Mushel ~ The Music Men ~ Jena Nahnsen** ~ Laurie Neuerburg** ~ Gregory Oakes ~ Jonathan Park* ~ Yeil Park** ~ Mary Petersen ~ Heather Peyton ~ The Phoenix String Quartet (Julie Fox Henson, Larysa Kozak, Marika Fischer Hoyt, Mary Pshonik) ~ Paul Pisano Brianna Poage** ~ Emil Polashek ~ Jennifer Porto** ~ Cheryl Richt ~ Nicholas Riesen ~ Helen Rublaitus ~ Elizabeth Sadilek ~ Vagram Saradjian (Visiting Artist) ~ Kevin Schilling ~ Ryan Schweers** ~ Phillip Sears ~ Joan Serfass ~ Loren Serfass ~ Sarah Shin* ~ Shy of a Dozen** ~ Donald Simonson ~ Julie Simson ~ Skyline Brass (visiting artists) ~ Eliza Smith**~ Phyllis Smith ~ Chad Sonka ~ The Sostrini Quartet* (Esther Lee, Tiffany Loe, Joanna Held, Fox Henson) ~ Shon Stevenson ~ David Stuart ~ Jonathan Sturm ~ Julie Sturm ~ Wei-Li Suen* ~ Elizabeth Swanson ~ Tin-Shi Tam ~ James Tener ~ Gretchen Theesfield ~ Michael Thiele ~ Jean Thomas ~ Anne Todey** ~ Laurel Trinity ~ May Tsao-Lim ~ Shelby Sievers VanNorstrand ~ Amy Wagar** ~ Chelsea Wang* ~ Wendy Ware ~ Grace Warren ~ Anne Watson ~ Brooke Westphal** ~ Melanie Wilson** ~ Tom Wilson** ~ Anson Woodin** ~ George Work ~ Ana Yam* ~ Miriam Zach ~ Lynn Zeigler

    Young artists; *ISU student artists


Performing Artists to be Announced



St. John’s By the Campus Episcopal Church

For wheelchair access, please enter from the parking lot at the rear of the church. There will be someone available to assist you with the lift.

November 9

A Musical Homecoming: Town & Gown Alumni Concert

April 11

Zhenni Li-Cohen, solo piano